Welcome to js-seq-tools

Welcome to the js-seq-tools project. The big disclaimer up front is that I am not a JavaScript Engineer. I am a bioinformatics minion interested in learning JavaScript. I'll play around here and make some classes that could be helpful in some JavaScript based bioinformatics. This project is free to use and modify under the Apache 2.0 License; that means its free to academics and companies alike, and you are not obligated to open your code up if you make use of js-seq-tools.

The project

The plan here is to make useful and intuitive classes. I'm more often a python programmer, and I appreciate intuitive modules and classes; I think ECMAScript5 'strict' provides a framework that can be reasonably done in. Ultimately we should be able to do some handy classes and generator functions that may be really useful. Which ones?



It is a work in progress, so hopefully more of these will come online as we go.


This project was started in 2016, Jason L Weirather (@jason-weirather). There is a wiki manual, but if you have trouble or have questions, please contact me!